The great persons of Mt. Paektu
Commander is also a Son of People

Commander is also a Son of People

One day in early spring of 1933 anti-Japanese guerrillas under the personal command of President Kim Il Sung had a break in front of a farm hut near Liangshuiquanzi (Wangqing District, Jilin Province, China) on the bank of the Tuman River of Korea.
They called the owner of the hut, but there was no response although there was a sign of person in the hut just before. So, they had to put down their belongings on the strip of the level ground under the eaves of the house and have a break in the yard.
President Kim Il Sung put off his overcoat to cover the wounded guerrilla and said physical movement is better than sitting motionless in the cold. He himself chopped wood with an axe.
The guerrillas followed him to remove the snow around the house and swept the yard and drew water from spring for meal.
The house people, who hid themselves within the house as they thought the guerrillas were Japanese troops, looked at them through a door crevice. Saying that they do not look like Japanese troops, they see such an army for the first time and they are certainly not Japanese troops, they opened the door and went out.
The President kindly called the old man “grandpa” who came out of the house and gave him a tobacco and told him that the people of Korea and China are pressed by poverty and it is not because they were born under an unlucky star but there are double and treble inhuman exploitation and plunder by the Japanese imperialists, military clique of northeast and landlords and therefore, our way to be well off is to fight against the Japanese imperialists.
At the end of the break he gave some money to the old man and told him that it seemed the grandmother can not come out of the house because of worn-out clothes and so use this money for their livelihood though it is small, buy and raise chickens so that the children might eat chicken.
The old man came to know that the man who looked them after with utmost care was President Kim Il Sung. When he was surprised to see that the commander chopped wood with an axe, the President told him that the commander is also a son of the people and the commander can do anything the people normally do.