Friendship & Solidarity
Terms of Reference for Organizing the International Literary Works Prize Contest

Terms of Reference
for Organizing
the International Literary Works Prize Contest

It is common desire and aspirations of the progressives to live in good harmony and develop in the peaceful world free from aggression and war.
Owing to the high-handedness, tyranny, aggression and intervention of the imperialist powers which have become all the more undisguised with each passing day, the dignity of an independent country is ruthlessly violated and a lot of people suffer from the pains and misfortunes in different parts of the world.
In such current international political situation, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the Korean people, under the unfurled banner of independence against imperialism and prosperity by dint of self-reliance, have been possessed of the powerful self-reliant defence capabilities that any other country dares not covet for and are bringing about a new era of overall prosperity of the state. They are developing the relations of good-neighborhood and friendly and cooperative relations with the countries that advocate independence and peace so as to invoke great support and sympathy of the progressives around the world.
The DPRK shines as bulwark of independence against imperialism and beacon of hope of the progressives. It is unthinkable without the undying feats of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il, the great leaders of the Korean people, who founded the immortal Juche idea and developed and enriched it and led the building of a powerful socialist country with independence, self-sufficiency and self-reliant defence and global independence to the victory and enjoyed the boundless respects and reverence of all people for their noble traits and virtues as the great persons.
Today, the Korean people under the wise guidance of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, the outstanding great man of the century, triumphantly push ahead with the historic cause of national prosperity and defence by dint of self-reliance in the face of all kinds of challenges and hardships of history and are playing an important role in defending global peace and security.
Hence, a lot of figures of many countries who love justice and truth create various literary works highly praising the peerless great persons and supporting the just cause of the Korean people and this is the trend of the time.
The Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, the Central Committee of the Writers Union of Korea and the Central Committee of the Journalists Union of Korea shall organize the international literary works prize contest on the occasion of the 115th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung and the 85th birth anniversary of Chairman Kim Jong Il in 2027, reflecting the unanimous desire and requirements of the progressives as follows.

1. Participants
- The writers, journalists and literary people who have friendly feelings for the DPRK and those who want to have cultural relations with the DPRK and others who have feelings for friendship and solidarity with the DPRK and support the just struggle of the Korean people.

2. Period
April 2024 ~ April 2027

3. Themes of works
- Immortal feats of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il for the Korean revolution and the accomplishment of global independence
- Greatness of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un who is president of the State Affairs of the DPRK
- Introduction of the socialist system of Korea
- Time-honored history and culture and customs of Korea
- Friendship and solidarity with the Korean people

4. Variety of literary works
books of socio-political theories, books introducing the DPRK, reminiscences, travelogue, novel, essay, poem, words of songs, thesis, photo album and so on

5. Method of contributing works
Literary works can be sent to the Organising Committee of the International Literary Works Prize Contest through embassies of the DPRK in relevant countries or by post mail or e-mail and it is possible to bring them directly on their visit to Pyongyang

6. Examination and review
- examination
The non-permanent examination committee that consists of relevant members of the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, the Central Committee of the Writers Union of Korea, the Central Committee of the Journalists Union of Korea and the Pyongyang International Cultural Exchange Society will examine their works.
It will take place in Pyongyang, the capital city of the DPRK on the occasion of the 115th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung in 2027.
Those who contribute excellent books and literary works to the contest will be awarded prize, certificate, title of honorary writer of the Central Committee of the Writers Union of Korea or title of honorary journalist of the Central Committee of the Journalists Union of Korea.

※ The examination and review will take place for the books and literary works already published till April 2024 from the review of the International Literary Works Prize Contest held in the form of Internet in April 2022 including the ones presented to the Organising Committee of the International Literary Works Prize Contest.

7 . Contact details
The Organising Committee of the International Literary Works Prize Contest

The Korean Committee for the Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries
Central Committee of Writers Union of Korea
Central Committee of Journalists Union of Korea
Juche 113 (2024) April, 1