DPRK Today
Affection for Orphans

Affection for Orphans

Some days ago a woman went in at the front gate of Phyongsong Orphanage. She was Pak Yun Hui at People’s Neighborhood Unit No. 60, Yokup-dong, Phyongsong City.
The officials and employees of the orphanage were moved to see her.
The orphans, to say nothing of the school teachers, remember the woman who often visited them as her own flesh and blood.
It was not long ago that she began looking after the orphans.
Seeing the happy orphans growing at the cradle of great loving care, she made up her mind to devotedly work for them the Party values so much.
After all she often visited the orphanage with foodstuffs conducive to their growth.
She was very glad to see the growth of the orphans to become pillars of the country.
Seeing the woman asking about their appetite and illness, the officials and employees of the orphanage said she was a rare-to-be-seen woman.