Friendship & Solidarity
Russian Ballet “Sleeping Beauty” Given
Russian Ballet “Sleeping Beauty” Given
A ballet “Sleeping Beauty” was given by an art troupe of the Maritime Territory Branch of the Mariinsky Theatre of Russia at the Mansudae Art Theatre on March 20.
Among the audience were DPRK Minister of Culture Sung Jong Gyu, officials of ministries and national agencies, officials concerned, artistes, teachers and students in the field of art education and the members of the delegation of the Russian Maritime Territory led by Oleg Kozhemyako, governor of the Maritime Territory Administration, and the delegation of the Russian Ministry of Culture headed by Vice-Minister Andrei Maluishev, and Alexandr Matsegora, Russian ambassador to the DPRK, and staff members of his embassy.
Members of the diplomatic corps in the DPRK were invited to watch the performance.
Prior to the performance Oleg Kozhemyako and Andrei Maluishev made congratulatory speeches.
The performers began their performance, recollecting with deep emotion the time when they gave performance before the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un . They showed their beautiful, elegant, delicate and experienced dances in the ballet “Sleeping Beauty”, a typical ballet piece of Russia.
Floral baskets were conveyed to the performers to congratulate them on their successful performance.