The great persons of Mt. Paektu
Despite of Being Pressed for Time
Despite of Being Pressed for Time
In May 2013 the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un visited the Pyongyang Municipal Myohyangsan Children’s Union Camp.
While looking around the various places of the camp he asked the accompanying officials why he could not see any children.
Being told that they were gone for ascent of mountain and would be back in the afternoon, he asked them to bring all children as quickly as possible.
The officials were surprised to hear it as it would take much time to bring them.
He went on to say that he wanted to see them and took a photo session with them, otherwise, they would be very sorry if he would not do so, therefore, despite of being pressed for time he would leave there after seeing all the children.
After a while the children came running to him.
The schoolchildren who happened to see him cried themselves out of breath.
He calmed the crying children saying if they kept crying they would fail to take a good photo. Finally, he took a significant photo session with all of them.