The great persons of Mt. Paektu
Soil and Manure
Soil and Manure
One day in November 2013 the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un visited the then Pyongyang University of Architecture.
He made rounds of various places of the university.
He said, for training a lot of pillars for the building of a civilized socialist nation it would be important to provide the university with good educating conditions and when we speak of the training of talents likening to a tree, education is soil and educating conditions is manure, he is going to be initial manure for the training of architects.
After a while, he stressed that idea and thought are governed by circumstances in general. He gave instructions to build the Pyongyang University of Architecture well so that it should be as good as the ones in other countries.
The officials deeply felt again how great his trust and expectation for the university were and what his true affection for the posterity was.