The great persons of Mt. Paektu
Emile Tompapa Who Was Born Again (2)

Emile Tompapa Who Was Born Again (2)

Some days after his recovery President Kim Il Sung met him on November 30, 1964.
After looking at his manner of walking the President sat together with him to touch the scar of operation and ask about his feeling of stitch.
The President highly appreciated the doctors and nurses in charge of his treatment saying that they successfully carried out the difficult operation and fully displayed the spirit of internationalism. He also asked Tompapa to stay longer after the complete recovery for the rest and sightseeing of scenic spots and historic places before returning home.
On December 31, the last day of the year, the President invited him to the New Year performance of schoolchildren at the Pyongyang Students and Children’s Palace and met with him to ask again about his health.
Moreover, when Tompapa was going to return home the President took a measure to provide him with a special plane as well as a doctor and nurse in charge of his treatment for accompanying him.
Later, Tompapa in his article said that his first homeland is Guinea and the second one is the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea born again under the warm love of President Kim Il Sung.